Friday, April 23, 2010

The Old Days

ok so I'm just sitting here watching a movie thinking about the days where i would buy all this junk food and eat it in one sitting and then prepare myself for a massive purge when i was done. Ugh not a good way of doing things, I'm happy iv kinda eliminated the amount of times i do that, anyways i havent binged in about three weeks. So what am i eating now then? Jelly crystals and water haha.
Like i said going out for mums birthday tomorrow so hoping to flush u=out my system before any crazy eating tomorrow, which hopefully i can control!!gahh
I read about this new diet on Pretty thin, which is like the ABC but takes into account of the weekends (in case your like me and have parents who watch what u eat etc) on the weekend days it tends to be around 650. It's only 30 days long, and on the last day you fast. I'm thinking of trying that if i get out of hand tomorrow- i might need something to put me back on track :P
Today I have eaten- half a banana, egg white omlette and a small thai chicken salad. Which sounds like a shit load of food to me, i still think its alot, i have a little twinge of guilt- but it came around 300 cals. Plus i did a gym workout, where i usually burn about 400 cals, so i spose it's okkkkkkkkkaaaaayyy. Anyways was meant to see the bf tonight, but he cancelled, things are not going well we are fighting all the time ( we have been togther for about 4 years) so i dunno what will end up happening, i gave him the 'fine the ball is in your court' msg and have not heard from him yet. eeep. Whatever, I mean as much as i do not want to loose him, and he says he does not at all wanna break up, i need to learn to be independant, cos i am a princess, and he does shit for me all the time.

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