Monday, September 6, 2010


You girls are all so lovely and beautiful. Thanks so much for all your comments. I got a bit teary reading them all. I'm very lucky to have you all following and commenting. Virtually hugging you all!

Ok so since I haven't posted- Father's Day on Sunday (so much food everywhere) i said to myself that for that day I could eat 'normally' (about 1000 calories). Didn't go very well. I freaked out and vomited twice. Ugh.

Anywho. The weigh in. Am currently weighing 63.6 (bmi: 20.3) Which is good. I'm happy with that. According to the calendar weight I should be 63.5, So 100 grams over is ok considering my freak out binge/purge. Next weeks weight should be 62.2. So here's hoping.

Today is my day off uni. I'm having a lovely day floating around in my lace pjs, smoking, watching skins season three, drinking pepsi max. Do you girls like Skins? What's your fave season?

So tonight I'm going out for dinner for my nan's birthday- Chinese restaurant. Struggling majorly with what to order. Any ideas- healthy (low cal- I don't want to purge) and tasty? It will be my one meal.

Thanks again sweets! I'll miss Shadow :(
Onwards and upwards.
ps- thanks for the beautiful arm comment- made me laugh haha


  1. Sweet bmi :) and 1000 cals is pretty decent considering it was a holiday.
    I love SKINS! I heard about it on PT and got addicted. Of course I love the original series with maxxie, anwar, cassie, nips,tony, etc.. Cassie, Effy and Chris are my fave's!
    xoxox ( stay strong and know we love you!)

  2. Ooooh, I LOVE Pepsi Max! So delicious. :)

    Take a look at this site, it has lots of tips for eating out at Chinese restaurants.

    Personally, I would order something with lots of lean protein (like fish or chicken) and skip out on carb-packed noodles. Remember to pay attention to the prep methods... that can make or break a meal.

    Good luck, darling! xox

  3. LOVE skins, season 1 and 2, are awesome, no one can beat that cast!!
    I love chinese food! my *weakness. Can't recommend anything though :/
    Good luck with the coming week and your next weigh-in
