Wednesday, September 29, 2010


blah been so fucking busy!!!! Pulling out my hair!! I've actually been so busy I have been forgetting to eat. I know. how does that happen??? To me of all people!!

Anyway I'm about 62 atm.


*Met some beautiful boys in the weekend, they have been texting non stop!! fun fun fun!!
*the ex will be at the same 21st as me on november 27th- operation be a babe and make him jealous begins now
*the cat has a few names- Dobby, Toulouse, Bali. haha. Poor kitty having an identity crisis.
*going out for a massive house party tonight- miss house parties so much!!! Clubbing is fun but not the same haha
*grandfinal replay this weekend, more food fml.
*I graduate in like a month. wtf.
*I'm still vomiting.

miss you girls


  1. well im glad u bet some boys yay for that
    and im sorry ur still throwing up

  2. ooh flirty txts are the best! feel better soon xx

  3. TS Eliot wrote that poem about how all cats have 3 names, so perhaps it's a good thing. I like Toulouse best. ;)

    Flirty texts are so fun! House parties, too. I'm jealous - I haven't been to a decent house party in years. Have an AWESOME time!! xXx

  4. I agree with Mich..toulouse is soo adorable!
    Omg I miss flirty txts... they are so much fun.
    Good job on being such a babe! woot woot! Don't fret about being am I. But I miss u when you're gone! Lemme know how the party goes and if you end up monster mashing with your ex beau ;)

  5. Woo! Sounds like a damn good weekend is coming up!

  6. How are thing with your new cat... and life in general?
