Saturday, July 17, 2010


A pair of my new shoes :P
So yesterday I went shopping- either a motivator or a de motivator for me. This time DEFINITELY motivated me. You know those change rooms which have mirrors on every angle-SO YOU CAN'T ESCAPE YOUR REFLECTION??!! yes well that is what i experienced yesterday. GAH! Anyway besides from that little semi-terrifying experience of watching my fatty self change in and out of clothes, i managed to find 2 pairs of heels and a dress yay! Hey big spender!! ;)

Intake yesterday: Pad thai (purged)
Lol My mum tried to tell me that it was healthy... Is that some kind of sick joke mother????? It's like 6billion calories (pretty sure....) :P

Today i worked.....
Intake: lemon slice (purged)
otherwise nothing as yet...

So far it is 5pm. I'm about ready to go to a friends 21st. Wanting to get WASTED tonight.

ALSO i got back a short film i did about a year ago (I was probs 5 kg skinnier) and I looked sooooo much better on camera then I do now! Another motivator to keep going!!!

So Myself and another girl on Blogger Jess -
will be doing a fast on Tuesday!! Yay anyone who wants to join in can- she has put up some good guidelines on this in one of her posts!! Check it Out!!!! ;)



  1. The shoes look absolutely gorgeous. I love them ;)

  2. Ooh. Dancing shoes! Sexy shoes! Skinny shoes!
    I'm glad your fast went well and I will definitely be trying to keep up with y'all. I HATE mirrors, but somehow they are always around when I feel the fattest. What are you going to intake during your fast, sweetie?
    xxxooo E

  3. they are alot higher then they look too!! And I'm tall already so i end up being like over six foot in heels!! It's fun!!
    On tuesday for my fast I am planning on intaking nothing except vitamins and water!!
    Join join join!!!! :D

    I might have to start a day late due to camping activities...but keep me posted on your progress lovely lady.
    PS: Hooray for the tall girlz!
