Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Starving works...

it's tuesday! And I fasted all day!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Currently high on starvation lol.
I feel great for not purging, don't get me wrong it has been on my mind ALL day. I have been out all day, away from food with only money to get around so not possible for me to eat anyways. I have done a gym workout, walked heaps and done at least 200 sit ups. YAYY go me... but seriously what is wrong with me...where is this motivation coming from???!!?!? haha. But we all know it wont be long before I'm spending my pay on planned binges/purges lol. sigh.

Last night I watched this movie- Elvis and Anabelle. Here is the wikipedia link- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elvis_and_Anabelle

But just quickly it stars- Blake Lively- massive babe!! and she is tall like me!!! She plays a beauty queen who suffers from bulimia. Has anyone seen it?

How is everyone going?



  1. Haha, I'm very proud of you. xD Well done lovely.

  2. congrats for the fasting hun :) xx

  3. I have seen that movie, randomly on tv a few months back!

  4. yay for successful fasting!!

    haven't seen that movie yet & it's not available on netflix - sad day for me

  5. thanks guys!
    yeah i d-loaded it...... :O
