Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Quickie (not the sexual variety...)

Such a long day at uni. Rehearsals went on forever, just getting home now (10.45 pm). Quick Post then I need to sleep.

Fasting tomorrow!!!
Rules for myself:
*No food.
*heaps of water.
*daily vitamins.
*any zero calorie soft drink.

Anyone who wants to join can, these are my rules for tomorrow! Feel free to do it however you like- water only/ some fruit/vegies/ etc etc- Whatever works for your body- we are all different remember! :)

Intake today: No vomiting wooooo- have not even had time/a chance to binge/ have a proper meal so that's why. Probs would have if I was at home alone and not at uni.
2 pepsi maxes
half a serving of vegie cous-cous- about 150-200
shit load of water

ok bed.

night girls. Remember to post how you go if you are fasting :)


  1. I'm going to try the fast with you tomorrow. Juice and coffee are allowed (and maybe a Special K shake or Ensure or something similar for emergencies).

    Good luck!

  2. I found the best thing if water fasting is too hard.. there are these Naked brand juices made with coconut water that are like 200 cals a bottle, if you but that in a blender with a tray of ice and a table spoon of splenda it makes a great smoothie then the rest put in a tupperware and put in the freezer... so you can have the smoothie in the morning and water throughout the day and have sorbet at night ;) It rules. Tastey and DELISH!

  3. hey i am fasting too (: today is day 1 for me, are you just fasting for a day or another period of time?
