Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Update on skinny reasons!

I fasted today cos I was feeling sick again so that worked well cos I have no appetite at all. I think I'll have to go to the doctors, pretty sure I have got a virus.

Today I was so lazy.
woke up at 10.30 am.
Watched Coco Avant Chanel.
Had a four hour nap.
Made a Tumblr.

So thanks to all your input I have put together 20 reasons for us to keep on track to reach our goals! Feel free to steal, add your own, change whatever. I'm going to print it out and stick it on my wall. :)

1. I can throw on anything and not feel self-conscious.

2. I will feel healthier.

3. I will have more confidence and be more outgoing.

4. I will have control over something in my life.

5. I will have more money- money previously spent on binges can go on other things.

6. I will not be the fat cousin/sister/friend/girlfriend.

7. I will feel more attractive.

8. I will receive more compliments.

9. I won't be called curvaceous.

10. I will be happier.

11. I will set a good example to those overweight.

12. I will be the envy of everyone.

13. Guys and girl will check me out.

14. I will feel sexy and be more confident and wild during sex.

15. I will look and feel amazing in a bikini.

16. Guys can easily lift me up.

17. I will not have to worry about sizes.

18. It will take less time to shower/rub lotion in/shave etc if my body is smaller.

19. I will accomplish something that almost everyone else fails at.

20. If I can do this, then I can do anything.

Hope you are all well! Taking my beloved lap top to bed to watch Gossip Girl :)


  1. Thanks for the inspiration, I used to keep a big list but I haven't even looked at it in months. Gotta dig it out and post it!

  2. i like it. that's a pretty good list. &it's simple. kudos to you for coming up with it. &a 4hour nap? i'm totally jealous. i can't sleep these days. stay strong, little miss.


  3. Ahh gossip girl, i love that show! Can't wait for the new season as well. Those are defo some good reasons to reach your goal. Stay strong lovely x

  4. That is a great list! Definetly gave me some inspiration to stay on target!! Remember think thin!

  5. OMG MEGAN FOX MEGAN FOX! *Dies* Damn, I'd tap that in a heartbeat!

    I love that last reason <3

  6. I love these. Thanks for sharing. <3

  7. Also, to reply to your comment, I'm going to have a party for my birthday, and maybe go clubbing. :) And I totally can't remember if I went out the night before I posted or not. Haha, sorry.
    But really, thank you for all your lovely comments. You're so sweet! <3

  8. Great list! you're going in the right direction!
