Monday, August 23, 2010


Pixiestix is back! Yayyyyy I have missed her blogging!! In answer to the question about singing: I have sung, acted all my life, I got an agent a few years back so I have gotten a fair bit of professional work now, which is great :)

I am going to fast this
thursday! Who ever wants to join can!! I think i'll change the day i fast every week, just to keep it interesting. Feeling motivated by the public humiliation. Seriously you girls keep me in check haha. Whoever wants to do this can, we can start our own little routine ;)

Also reading a post on PrettyThin and was excited by this website:
It tells you week by week what your weight would be depending on your exercise/calorie limit. Judging by this, If I continue to exercise 3-5 times a week and eat 800 cals, I'll be down to my tentative goal weight of 50kg(bmi 16) as opposed to current 21 (bleurgh) by November. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I thought 800 cals was more than reasonable, I wouldn't eat that every day but I guess it allows for any fuck ups.

I haven't vomited/binged all day. I've had about 400 calories, been to the gym and done 8 minute abs and buns.

Still no sign of the
sex drought ending... haha. I have potentials (guys showing interest) but I'm being picky, they just don't get me excited below the belt lawl!!!!! Plus they are being too keen. And I hate that. I like some mystery.
I had a sex dream the other night about the guy in the Katy Perry- teenage dream film clip. hahah the closest i am getting to the peen atm is in my dreams.
This is him if you don't know what I am talking about:

But seriously girls, we can do this!!!! We can be what we all dream of being. And we are going to do it together.


But seriously :P



  1. i'm up for it. i might not be able to fast with you some days depending on what i'm up to but i'll try. you're so peppy. i like it. stay strong, darling.


  2. Im down for thursday :)
    What are we setting the rules as? Water only??

  3. Hahaha, a sex drought. I know how you feel! <3

  4. I'm about 44hrs into a fast right now - longest I've done in ages, but I do like the idea of a fasting once a week, especially when I have others to keep me motivated.

    Ooh and that's a great website, I'm gonna be all over that.

    Sounds like your doing really well today, except for the sex drought, but why not be picky :)

  5. I HATE sex drought.
    God, he's sexy. That dude in the picture.
    Good luck for Thursday.

  6. omg thank god my bf didnt see me reading this cause I saw that pic of the hot guy and my jaw dropped. lol Yup I'm back yayayayay! I fasted yesterday and it went really well. I need to do it again soon though. I've been acting all my life, I'm afraid my singing is broaway-ish not celebrity/american idol good lol. I'm a pretty good actor and dancer..I wish I was a singer too. :( Good luck on your fast... Well damn this was a long comment haha
